Table of Contents

Vol-36(2):Vol-36-Num-2, 2018

Descriptive Study of Tibial Tuberosity and Tibial Crest Blood Supply in Dog Carcass Samples (Canis lupus familiaris) by Arterial Injection with Indian Ink and Radiographic Contrast

Conservation of Body Sections and Organs of the Narrownose Smooth-hound, Mustelus schmitti (Pisces, Chondrichthyes), by Silicone Injection at Room Temperature to be Used in Comparative Anatomy learning

Anatomic Variations in Relation to the Origin of the Musculocutaneous Nerve: Absence and Non-Perforation of the Coracobrachialis Muscle. Anatomical Study and Clinical Significance

Variations in the Torg-Pavlov Cervical Ratio with Regard to Age and Sex. A Comprehensive Anatomical andMorphometric Study on Contemporary Cadaveric Specimens

Effects on the Female Reproductive System of Air Pollution Produced by the Use of Wood Combustion for Residential Heating: Challenges and Perspectives of Morphological Studies

Descriptive Body Composition Profile in Female Olympic Volleyball Medalists Defined Using Multichannel Bioimpedance Measurement: Rio 2016 Team Case Study