Table of Contents

Vol-41(6):1587-1914, 2023

Application Value of Sevoflurane Combined with Brachial Plexus Block in Children with Humeral Fracture Surgery and its Effect on Hemodynamics:A Clinical and Anatomical Study

Effect of M-wave Amplitude on Inter-evaluator Concordance and Number of Detected Innervation Zones in the Medial Gastrocnemius Using Multichannel Electromyography

Modeling Mediated Crossover Acute and Subacute Damage to the Pulmonary System During Systemic (Subcutaneous) Administration of Bleomycin in Mice to Test the Potential Therapeutic Effect of Polyphenols

Inter-Evaluator Reliability in Measurement of Muscle Thickness and Penance Angle through Ultrasound Evaluation: Comparison Study between an Expert and a Physical Therapist in Training

In vivo Gonadoprotective Effects of Myricetin on Cisplatin- Induced Testicular Damage via Suppression of TLR4/NF-κB Inflammation Pathway and Heat-Shock Response