Growth factors included in Terminologia Embryologica: Critical analysis

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Daniel Conei & Mariana Rojas


Each term included in Terminologia Embryologica (TE), published in 2013 and with a second edition in 2017 subject to approval by the Federative International Programme For Anatomical Terminology (FIPAT), must be structured based on its principles: Names must have an informative value, eponyms, homonyms and concordant names are deleted. However, this does not happen in some terms. That is why the terms included in the section "Growth Factors" (Fac- tores crescentiae, E. were analyzed in the way they are presented, their concordance with what was published in reviews of PubMed database, and their naming form was described based on what was used by the Genes Nomenclature Committee of the Human Genome Organisation (HGNC). It was evidenced that in the terms Family Hedgehog (Familia erinacea, E. and Superfamily of the Epidermal Growth Fac- tor (EGF) (Superfamilia factoris epidermalis [EGF] crescentiae, E. these do not agree with the classification proposed by TE based on the receiver that is involved in the activity of the growth factor, since in the case of Hedgehog family not only does the patched receptor participate, but the smoothened one does as well. In EGF there is tyrosine kinase receptor activity and not serine/threonine kinase, as presented in the official document. Also, the ligands fibronectin/laminin and delta/serrate appear as growth factors, despite not being catalogued as such. Furthermore, oftentimes the way in which such terms are constructed is contrary to the FIPAT presentation, but follows the HGNC line of work that holds the HGNC.

KEY WORDS: Terminologia Embryologica; Growth Factors; Hedgehog Family; Epidermal Growth Factor Superfamily; Ligand;  HUGO Gene Nomenclature Committee.

How to cite this article

CONEI, D. & ROJAS, M. Growth factors included in Terminologia Embryologica: Critical analysis. Int. J. Morphol., 36(2):500-506, 2018.