Morphoquantitave characteristics of free corial vellosities in normal births, with dia- betes, hypertension and restriction of intrauterine growth

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Ruth Prieto Gómez; Nicolás Ernesto Ottone; Cristian Sandoval Vásquez; Araceli Saavedra S. & Homero Felipe Bianchi


Gestational pathologies such as hypertension, gestational diabetes mellitus and restriction of intrauterine growth can determine changes in the macro and microscopic morphological characteristics of the placenta and its free chorionic villi. In the fetus it can be accompanied by pathological manifestations with risk to its viability and future quality of life. The aim of this work was to describe morphometric and histological aspects of free chorionic villi in normal pregnancies associated with diabetes, hypertension and restriction of intrauterine growth. Thirty human placentas were used and were separated into three groups: Normal (N), Hypertensive Pregnancy Syndrome (SHE), Diabetes (D), and Restriction of Intrauterine Growth (RIG) according to evident pathologies or absence thereof during pregnancy. Tab was used to record placental and newborn weight. All samples were fixed in 10 % buffered formalin. From each, 5 samples were extracted, obtaining 25 cuts for each placenta. Subsequently, they were stained with H & E, Alcian Blue and Masson's Trichrome. In addition, histological and morphometric analysis (ImageJ®) of the chorion villus was carried out. Statistical analysis was performed using ANOVA. Among the morphological changes, an increased placental weight / weight ratio of the newborn was found in Gestational Diabetes Mellitus associated with histological changes. There were no significant morphometric changes between placentas N, SHE and D. There was an increase in the number of corial vessels in placentas of group D (P <0.05) and of the surface between the chorion villi. In the SHE group there was a moderate increase in syncytial nodes and presence of fibrin in the stroma. Placentas with Gestational Diabetes Mellitus experience histological alterations, as a consequence of structural and functional changes. In addition, the increase of blood vessels in placentas D is produced by vascular neoformation and increased penetration of blood vessels into the villi. In the case of SHE, placental alterations are related to the severity of the disease.

KEY WORDS: Placenta; Free chorionic villi; Gestational diabetes mellitus; Hypertension; Morphometry.

How to cite this article

PRIETO, G. R.; OTTONE, N. E.; SANDOVAL, V. C.; SAAVEDRA, S. A. & BIANCHI, H. F. Morphoquantitave characteristics of free corial vellosities in normal births, with dia- betes, hypertension and restriction of intrauterine growth. Int. J. Morphol., 36(2):551-556, 2018.