Alfon- so Roque Albanese: Latin American pioneer of heart surgery. Tribute from the Pan American Association of Anatomy

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Ricardo J. Losardo; Rolando Cruz Gutiérrez; José C. Prates; Alberto Rodríguez Torres; Nadir E. Valverde Barbato de Prates; Manuel Arteaga Martínez & Richard Halti Cabral


Alfonso Roque Albanese (1906-2005) is considered a pioneer of Latin American heart surgery because of his important contributions. He was founding member of the Pan American Association of Anatomy. Researcher and teacher of anatomy and surgery, joining both disciplines.

KEY WORDS: Alfonso Roque Albanese; Pan American Association of Anatomy; Anatomy; Heart Surgery; Latin American.

How to cite this article

LOSARDO, R. J.; CRUZ, G. R.; PRATES, J. C.; RODRÍGUEZ, T. A.; PRATES, N. E. V. B.; ARTEAGA, M. M. & CABRAL, R. H. Alfon- so Roque Albanese: Latin American pioneer of heart surgery. Tribute from the Pan American Association of Anatomy. Int. J. Morphol., 35(3):1016- 1025, 2017.