Psychoactive Substances, Anatomy and Pre-Pandemic COVID-19 Students:Prevalence of use and Comparison of Cross-Sectional Studies From the Period 2011-2019

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Mazzoglio y Nabar Martín; Algieri Rubén D.; Tornese Elba; Ferrante, María Soledad & Algieri, Agustín


In preliminary studies, we observed a high prevalence of the use of psychoactive substances (PS) among Anatomy students, with a greater impact among recurrent students or those with work activities. The cause of use is multifactorial, but risk and precipitating factors stand out, such as the workload of the curriculum, study demands, distress due to negative cadaveric coping, the new educational context and the number of hours of sleep. The objective was to compare the prevalence of SP use between the 2011-2019 cohorts, with a focus on behavioral determinants. Observational, cross-sectional and comparative study using a standardized and anonymous survey in 945 students (year 2011= 122; year 2013= 158; year 2015=204; year 2017= 228; year 2019= 233). Statistical parameters were applied, significance was defined as p<0.05 and the ethical-legal requirements for research were met. We observed a significant increase in reported SP consumption in order to increase study hours, highlighting the use of coffee, energizers, psychotropic drugs (modafinil) and acetylsalicylic acid. We found that the number of working hours was proportional to the amount of substances used; and in the recurring group, the correlation with the use of psychoactive drugs was presented (modafinil: r> -0.84; AA: r> -0.71). In the case of benzodiazepine anxiolytics, it was associated with lack of sleep and distress due to negative coping with the study with cadavers. In the cohorts compared for a period of 9 years, we found a high prevalence of psychoactive substance use with an increasing trend. The variables work activity and recurrence were determinants for the use of substances, and issues related to university adaptability and negative study coping with the corpse were associated; all with pedagogical impact on the teaching and learning process.

KEY WORDS: Anatomy, Psychoactive substances, Corpse coping.

How to cite this article

MAZZOGLIO Y NABAR, M.; ALGIERI, R. D.; TORNESE, E.; FERRANTE, M. S. & ALGIERI, A. Psychoactive substances, Anatomy and pre-pandemic COVID-19 students: prevalence of use and comparison of cross-sectional studies from the period 2011-2019. Int. J. Morphol., 41(2):482-490, 2023.