Comparison of Laundry Detergent and Antiformin Solution Methods to Retrieve Clean Bones from Embalmed Cadavers

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Prabhakar Yadav; Shamsher Shrestha; Presha Baral & Laxman Khanal


Traditional methods of bone retrieval from embalmed cadaver are not able to meet the demand of medical colleges as they are time consuming & tedious, thus there is need of evaluating an alternative approach that includes use of laundry detergent. The purpose of the study was to compare & establish the most effective method between laundry detergent and 10 % antiformin solution methods to procure clean bones. Thirty-two bones of the right side that were included in the inclusion criteria obtained from the four embalmed cadaver were cleaned by laundry detergent and of the left side by 10 % antiformin solution methods. Retrieved clean bones were evaluated for their cleanness using the scale from 0 to 5. The mean cleanness scores of the bones cleaned by laundry detergent method were not significantly different at 95 % confidence interval than the mean cleanness scores of the bones cleaned by 10 % antiformin solution method. The study found that though there is no significant difference in the mean cleanness score of the bones cleaned by two employed methods nevertheless, bones were found to be cleaner by using 10 % antiformin solution method and bones obtained by using laundry detergent method had smooth surface as well as more suitable for flat bones.

KEY WORDS: Bone cleaning; Embalmed cadaver; Laundry detergent; Antiformin solution.

How to cite this article

YADAV, P.; SHRESTHA, S.; BARAL, P. & KHANAL, L. Comparison of laundry detergent and antiformin solution methods to  retrieve clean bones from embalmed cadavers. Int. J. Morphol., 40(4):1566-1573, 2022