Thiamine Pyrophosphate Reduces Hypoxia-Induced Cellular Damage in Neonatal Rat Brain

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Armando Valenzuela Peraza; Marco A. Martínez Ávila; Miguel Ángel Jiménez Bravo-Luna; Leticia Granados-Rojas; Julieta G. Mendoza-Torreblanca & M. Gerardo Barragán Mejía


Hypoxic encephalopathy is a leading cause of disability and requires new therapeutic strategies. Thiamine pyrophosphate (TPP) is an essential cofactor of fundamental enzymes involved in glucose metabolism. TPP reduction may lead to ATP synthesis failure and cell death. The objective of this study was to determine if TPP administration can reduce cellular damage in a model of neonatal hypoxia in rats. Eleven day old animals were treated with TPP (130 mg/kg) as a single dose or with saline solution one hour before the hypoxia protocol or after ending the protocol. The brains were collected to evaluate cellular damage. Blood samples were also collected to evaluate arterial oxygen tension (PaO2), carbon dioxide tension (PaCO2) and acidity (pH). The results showed that TPP administration previous to hypoxia induction reduces cellular damage and reestablishes arterial blood gases. These data indicate that TPP use reduces the damage induced by hypoxia in neonatal animals.

KEY WORDS: Thiamine pyrophosphate; Hypoxia; Neuronal damage; Arterial blood gas.

How to cite this article

VALENZUELA, P. A.; MARTÍNEZ, A. M. A.; JIMÉNEZ, B. M. A.; GRANADOS-ROJAS, L.; MENDOZA-TORREBLANCA, J. G. & BARRAGÁN, M. M. G. Thiamine pyrophosphate reduces hypoxia-induced cellular damage in neonatal rat brain. Int. J. Morphol., 32(2):531-536, 2014.