Anatomicis Network: A cloud-based educational software platform to enhance anatomy teaching in medical education

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Oscar Inzunza; Andrés Neyem; María Eliana Sanz; Iván Valdivia; Mauricio Villarroel; Emilio Farfán; Andrés Matte & Patricio López-Juri


In this article, we describe a novel proposal of an educational software platform to enhance the anatomy teaching in medical education. In order to determine the usefulness and impact of this platform, between 2016 and 2017, an interinstitutional experience was developed, which included the Universities of Antofagasta, Playa Ancha, Austral and Católica de Chile. The participation of anatomy departments in this experience, used the educational software platform to access 2D and 3D anatomical images and online multimodal practical-theoretical evaluations, being able to perform usability tests with their students. This project aims to improve teaching in the different anatomy departments throughout the country.

KEY WORDS: Web platform; Human Anatomy; Innovation.

How to cite this article

INZUNZA, O.; NEYEM, A.; SANZ, M. E.; VALDIVIA, I.; VILLARROEL, M.; FARFÁN, E.; MATTE, A. & LÓPEZ- JURI, P. Anatomicis Network: A cloud-based educational soft- ware platform to enhance anatomy teaching in medical education. Int. J. Morphol., 35(3):1168-1177, 2017.