Anthropometric Attributes by Playing Position in Chilean Female Football Players From the Valparaiso Region, Chile

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Barraza, F.; Yáñez, R.; Báez, E. & Rosales, G.


Seventy-six female football players from the Valparaiso Region. Players´ age fluctuated between 18 and 30 years participated in this research. Female professional teams from Everton, Santiago Wanderers and San Luis de Quillota clubs, as well as the teams from Federico Santa María Technical University and Viña del Mar University were evaluated. Playing positions were: goalkeepers (n= 8), defenders (n= 25), attacking midfielders (n= 24) and strikers (n= 18). To measure body composition the protocol established by the International Society for the Advancement of Kinanthropometry was used, according to the restricted profile described by Drinkwater and Norton & Olds. The Heath and Carter method was used to determine the somatotype of the female football players. Total body mass was divided using Kerr´s Five-Way Fractionation method. Results show an average somatotype of mesomorph and endomorph. In the distribution by teams, the results showed significant differences of mesomorph between the Everton Club and the Viña del Mar University (p<0.014). Between the goalkeepers and the strikers there were significant differences regarding weight (p<0.030) and endomorph (p<0.050). No differences in the percentage of adipose tissue, muscle tissue, the sum of folds and height in relation to playing position were found. Regarding the distribution by playing position, the results showed a meso-endomorph somatotype for the goalkeepers and defenders, and a mesomorph endomorph somatotype for the attacking midfielders and strikers. This reveals a differentiation of somatotypes between offensive and defensive playing positions, finding a higher prevalence of the endomorph somatotype in defensive playing positions compared to the attack positions. Using the SANOVA method, the study concludes that the anthropometric attributes of the female football players evaluated are similar, with no significant differences between university teams and professional teams or by playing position.

KEY WORDS: Anthropometric profile; Football; Somatotype; Female.

How to cite this article

BARRAZA, F.; YÁÑEZ, R.; BÁEZ, E. & ROSALES, G. Anthropometric attributes by playing position in Chilean female football players from the Valparaiso Region. Int. J. Morphol., 33(4):1225-1230, 2015.